Hi y’all,

For my astrology friends: my sun is in Virgo, my moon is in Aquarius, and my rising sign is Sagittarius! I’m a Manifesting Generator in the Human Design Type and an ENFJ according to the Meyer’s Briggs.

I have always been a curious being, constantly questioning why things are the way they are (in a way that annoyed my parents to no end). I seek to deeply understand myself, those around me, and how the world came to be the way it is. My passion for humanity and life’s mysteries is an amazing gift that has supported my growth and life’s purpose tremendously.

I have been on a personal development journey that began at 15 years old, when I first began therapy after a traumatic event. Undiagnosed with ADHD, I had self-destructive/self-defeating tendencies and dangerous risk taking behaviors at that time. I struggled with low self-esteem and low self-worth, depression, lack of boundaries, and addictions (especially to external validation). My therapeutic journey has been INSTRUMENTAL in helping me understand my emotional landscape, upgrade my baseline quality of life, and create sustainable change for my highest good. Achieving this throughout my therapeutic life also taught me how to hold space for others along their healing journey.

As an undergraduate, I studied Political Science, Gender and Women’s Studies, and Leadership Studies, which helped me understand humanity from a bio-psycho-social lens. My favorite courses were focused on communication, men & masculinity, leadership, feminist theory, philosophy, and peace psychology. 

As my self exploration continued, a spiritual awakening journey began to unfold. My soul’s journey has brought me to explore many areas of myself, life, and of healing. While in undergrad, I became aware of energetics, spiritual philosophies, and my intuitive gifts. I started practicing yoga asana (which did, and continues to do, so much to support healing my relationship to my body in the aftermath of trauma and disordered thoughts and behaviors). I started working with my first conscious spiritual teacher at 20 years old, which created momentum into my spiritual healing and growth that hasn’t stopped since.

Since completing my Bachelors program, I’ve gone on to become a Licensed Massage Therapist and a Yoga Teacher. I’ve studied Integrated Energy Therapy. I have pursued personal study into Toltec wisdom, explored Tantra, and more. These milestones revealed to me that the body is an incredible, perfectly imperfect tool that offers us so much intuitive wisdom and healing ability, if we’re paying attention. I have most recently completed a comprehensive Akashic Records Certification Program, and I am excited to offer the insights and skills I’ve learned to others.

If you’d like to learn more about me, check out my podcast Meaghan on Earth which debuts August 16, 2024.

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